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photo credit @evenhandsboxing

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Phil Alessi Jr. runs the Alessi Promotions organization insuring the well-known legacy continues through another generation. Phil Jr. has managed several power-house fighters and led the organization with the same professionalism and championship philosophy that his father created. He coordinated the weigh-in and fight results with media, are enjoying the venture. “I intend to maintain the honesty and integrity that the Alessi name has always represented .“ Alessi Promotions focus is on building a team of upstanding fighters who hold a significant chance of becoming world champions; and, he has already held a successful Junior Intercontinental NBA Title Fight.  From the day we put the word out that Alessi Promotions was returning to the ring  we have had phone calls coming in from managers and fighters who want to be a part of our team.  Guys who fought for my father 20+ years ago are now looking to have their sons fight under our management.  “It’s an honor to be able to fulfill not only mine and my father’s passion, but the passion of other father’s out there and their sons.

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